23 March, 2008

My Appointment With God...!

"India main saala koi time ki value nahi karta" (Indians do not value time). Well somebody was right when he got drunk and said this. How often have you heard - "Bas do minute main pahuch raha hu" (Just reaching in two minutes) and not even a trace of that person is seen for the next forty minutes. If you are an Indian I am sure you come across this many times. Westerners, especially Americans, are quite punctual and rightly they are pretty proud about it. Here is one of those instances which I have came accross:

Few months back I was hit by one of those stress related diseases - Migraine. Seriously, it wasn't a great feeling. I think it was inevitable with office work touching new highs, confusions with career options, demands of my second profession and last but not the least, my personal life ready to give me a blow. Anyways, so I decided to take an "appointment" with one of those most heard about doctors in our area. Unfortunately, he was so damn busy that despite of calling him at 7 in the morning I got it only for 2 in the afternoon. I had no option but to take an off from my office so that I make it on time. And as usual I reached there 15 minutes before. The scene wasn't quite pleasing. There were around fifty patients already waiting in a queue. But I was smiling because I was smart to take a prior "appointment". So I decided to stand away from the queue.
When my watch was about to show that 60degree angle, I started walking inside to the person sitting at the reception. People started staring at me as if I am one of those dadas who is showing his dadagiri. Foolish people did not realize that I have a prior "appointment". But only to realize that I made a fool out of myself when the reception guy asked me to stand at the end of the queue. Huh???? What the hell? I argued what's the point in taking an "appointment" 7 hours in advance if I have to stand in a queue? I was quite pissed off but may be because of my so called logical talk (or argument) that guy allowed me to visit the doc half n hour after my "appointment".

Now after hearing this you got to agree with me that hum saala Indians time ki value nahi karta (we Indians do not value time). My point was strengthened .... till I happen to hit a new incident in my life:

I got this unique opportunity to visit US of A and I am supposed to clear this visa thing before my tickets are booked...OK! So I applied and like most Americans do, they gave me an appointment at 11.15AM. Now that's cool ... I had heard that these interviews do not last for more than 15 minutes which would mean I can join office afterwards. Incredible! Now because punctual Americans are very punctual, I reached half n hour prior to my scheduled time. And guess what, my interview was over in 90seconds and I was free!!! Isn't that amazing? Yes it is....
But hang on ... I don't think I told you what happened before those 90seconds. Ahum ahum ...An hour's queue outside the embassy, 20 minutes waiting for fingerprints and just 3 hours waiting for the final one. And I was through for those 90seconds after my four n a half hour waiting for my scheduled appointment at 11.15AM which I finally got at 4.30PM... Amazing! In fact I told the person next to me that I never waited this long in my life for anything, not even to pay the electricity bill at that single counter of DESU in those 1990s. What the f***!!!

And then I had to change my view. Not that Indians are better off but I think there is a waiting at every point. Be it for promotion in your office or for that perfect partner in your life or for that leaking for which you stand behind men for urinals in washroom. Yaha tho saala marne ke liye bhi queue main khada hona padta hai (people have to stand in a queue even to die). I guess my time has come for that. My appointment with God has been fixed .... just that I am standing in a queue right now.