06 February, 2010

Backlog 4: S. P. Jain Effect

I am left with an option to look abroad, which once again wasn’t something I was able to connect myself with. I started looking out for programmes for experienced candidates and came across the famous ones like those offered by ISB, IIM, XLRI and not-so-famous one of S. P. Jain. But it was when I did my own research and findings on what each one of these institutes offer, I realized the uniqueness of S.P. Jain (SPJIMR). The unique programmes like Gita Shibir, DOCC and Economic Times quizzes (I am not getting into what they really are) made me really connect myself to what it was offering. There is a whole lot of value being put on integrity, social causes and value based learning. In short, what it was offering me was Education.

Unlike other institutes, SPJIMR never believed in marketing or making itself visible. This goes back to the kind of values Bhawans offers since its start. The college believes in ‘Action speaks louder than words’ motto and it works. When I meet senior industry officials, things that first come to their mind about SPJIMR is integrity, honesty, value etc. and it means huge in today's world. Marketing is more of a western culture and this institute offers education in Indian terms.
I knew this was the end of my pursuit. I knew where I need to head and when that is clear, how to do it is no longer a question. You just end up finding the path.

Backlog 3: Now or Never

My realization did not come in the best of the times. I sprained my lower back within a month after my return from US. It was severe which put me into bed rest for a good number of days. But there is always a positive outcome from everything. I started understanding life, its meaning and its meaninglessness. I started questioning many things happening around us and it helped me to broaden my knowledge horizon. I was getting closer to my self-realization. And when that happens it’s the passion that lifts you to achieve something which you never did before. The organization changes in my office also did not help me with my causes. I was pretty much emotionally drained but my passion always made me look forward. As my friend quotes, “Jab ho mushkil waqt, commando ho sakth”.

A disciplined effort allowed me to write once again THE CAT, but the result was same. No calls from any of the colleges. It made me think again, re-look my entire theory and plans. And that’s the time when I realized a basic characteristic of Indian MBA. We don’t practice what we preach.

This piece of information I am sure will be useful to many of the aspirants, so it becomes important for me to share it with all. One of the basic things that we don’t realize is that every college is good in its own way and has its own share of drawbacks. If you have noticed, every magazine and other media source has its own way of ranking B-schools and we see they always vary. Similarly we all individuals have different characteristics and different aspirations. One has to be very clear about that and try connecting it with what the different institutes are offering. Every institute, school, college and organization have a unique thing to offer. So make sure you are picking the right one here. No institute is good and none of them are bad as well. It’s only when there is a mismatch of your aspirations with what institute offers that we start giving negative feedbacks about it. So be clear with that.

Unfortunately most of the B-schools in India show same stuff in their websites even when their offerings are distinct in nature. It seems they just don’t want to put any effort in that and end up making a lousy one. So the option that is left with you is just to find out their teaching methodology, their focus and their long term view. ISB focuses on placements and so does IIMs. IIM-A focuses more on Finance side whereas IIM-B focuses more on IT side. I can be wrong here, it’s just my personal view. And I would suggest everybody to do their own research before coming to any conclusion.

Another glaring finding was that none of these courses are meant for experienced candidates. Though what is being preached is that experienced people stands a better chance to become good managers , what is being practiced is that the institutes simple discard them. And the reason is that the course has been designed in such a way that it is meant for fresh grads as an extension of graduation) The course is quite rigorous and requires good academic capabilities. And that justifies the CAT. What doesn’t justify is the institute’s unwillingness to come out with truth. In short, if you have more than 2.5 to 3 years of work experience, it is better to stop trying for a 2 year course.

Backlog 2: Deciding about my MBA

So when I wasn’t able to convert my attempts, simultaneously I was going through a self-introspection. I was thinking if at all I have to do my MBA then how it should be. I was very clear of one thing that I am not doing my post-graduation in a technical field since I could never relate myself completely with that. So if MBA then how should it be?

I was certain of one thing that I wanted to work for a few years, away from all the studies. So it was more like my love for work and a break from studies. I wanted to gain some work experience, say 4-5 years before I join any MBA college. At the same time I knew I wanted to do a 2 year programme since for me MBA is more about learning and applying your knowledge. More the time I spend in school, the more I have the opportunity. Now it was all left for the time when I can connect myself with MBA programmes, the day I feel I need to learn a few additional things about management and areas around management. And it finally happened in year 2008. I don’t know the exact circumstances but I do believe my stint with Rotaract did motivate me for the same. So that reminds me I need to share something on opportunities (with respect to Rotaract) and how it can define somebody’s future. But that's later.

Backlog 1

For Year 2004-05

So after a long gap I have once again come back to write blogs. It’s not that I went absconding from this world. I launched a website of my own and was writing a few things there to see whether or not I can turn it around as a business proposition in my free times. But I guess I have yet to travel a lot before I get that sort of a passion since I do have many “excuses” of not doing it. Anyways, that’s not the point.

These days I am here @ SPJIMR (more famously known as S. P. Jain), Mumbai. This is my dream college and not because of the fact that I am a student of one of the courses here, but genuinely there are multiple reasons to make me that believe. I still remember a conversation that I was having with a cousin of mine how I will be confused if I have to pick between SPJIMR and IIM-A. Funny right? But that’s the truth. So what was that which went through my head to have such thoughts?

It goes back to year 2005 when I decided to do my MBA. I knew I wasn’t ready because I still did not see a reason why I should be doing one. And I knew if I do it now then it is just going to be an extension of my engineering degree. That’s not what I wanted. I was sick of these studies, since I never learned anything out of them. Facing whole lot of lectures (and even criticisms) from friends and relatives for not aiming higher with an MBA degree, I tried hard 2-3 times and never cleared it. It was probably because I wasn’t talented enough. But more than that I knew my tries were not passionate enough.

I was always an anti-CAT (Common Admission Test) person. I always wondered how one can pick the best out of a lot just by asking them to solve a set of questions. I could never connect to it. This is where S. P. Jain came into picture. The institute looks beyond your score. It emphasizes on your overall personality before shortlisting. I don’t know if the process is still fool-proof, but it is better than what is followed by any IIMs or XLRIs.

Why am I writing it now? It’s just that I am filling the gap for what is going to come later. I have to write more and more about my life as an MBA student from India. And I felt it is important to pen down my entire thought process since start.

05 December, 2008

Think Before You Vote!

Hey Guys!

Now that the elections are coming, I thought of penning down some of my own thoughts. Let me first clarify that I am not a member of any political party nor it is a campaign for / against any of them. These are just my plain personal thoughts which I felt like sharing with you all. You may or may not agree with me, but at least I will be happy that after reading this you will be aware of certain things.
For the past few years I have been watching the development of my own country very closely. Here are some of the things that our current Government has done for us in past few years:

1. Terrorism:
Record number of blasts accross our country. And that too with *NO* breakthroughs even in a single case. Today we see some breakthroughs in investigations in Malegaon blast, but is it a coincidence that Congress suspects a remote BJP angle in that? Nobody talks about Home Ministers' failures in tackling external as well as internal security (anti-NorthIndian campaign in Maharashtra). Think about it!

2. Quota:
Quota for SC / ST / OBC has increased from 22.5% to 49% and nothing for General category which comprises only 36% of Indian population (yes, 36 percent is THE OFFICIAL figure). When protested peacefully, students are beaten like anything using forces and techniques that are used to control riots! It doesn't end there. Government claims that it has surplus fund to take care of this quota increase, then how do you explain 2% Education cess which is now 3%?
Just another fact on this issue. This quota is supposed to be for less-priviliged class which is defined as any SC/ST/OBC person with annual salary of less than or equal to Rs450,000 (Rs37,500 per month). How much do you earn? To compare it, officially in Delhi a 'poor' is defined as any person who earns less than Rs450 per month. Think about it!

3. Loan Waiver:
A loan waiver of Rs 60,000,0000000 (read as 60k crore) to farmers. Remember this is your own money which you paid as taxes. I am not saying Indian farmers are not facing problems, but who is not facing it in our country? Is this the right way to address those issues? And what have we got in return? Think about it!

4. Nuclear Agreement:
Considered to be very important for our country's future, the entire deal was balancing itself on top of a needle for what reason? So that Congress does not lose its seat in UPA Government. Any other reason for delaying this deal to last minute? It seems a party's importance stands much above that of country's. Think about it!

5. National Posts:
Whom do you want to be your CTO or even CEO? Your current CEO's son or shareholder's niece / nephew? Or any person who is eligible to take that position? Not taking away anything from Rahul Gandhi, tell me one credible thing he has done to become Congress' second most powerful person (apart from the fact that he is from Gandhi family). And now he has been pitched in for Prime Minister's post too. Rememember the advertisment from Tata Tea ... what's your qualification and experience? Is it that for Congress, family comes first when it comes to running the nation? Think about it!

6. Indian President is:
Ms. Pretibha Patil. Probably a good candidate but is she or can she be better than the most popular President of India, Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam? How come he never got an opportunity for a second term? Mere coincidence that it was Mr. Vajpayee's choice?
Similarly how come Kiran Bedi never became the Delhi's Commissioner of Police when every single person knew she is the right choice?

- So much is Congress concerned about themselves that even they appointed Shibu Soren to a good post just to save their Government.
- 50 years they ruled the country and still we haven't moved forward as much we should have.
- Economy opened in 1991-92 but the real development we saw only in 1999 (NDA Government).
- Delhi is on the verge of getting exposed during Commonwealth Games because of our tardy development.

Think about it! Your local Congress MLA might be good for you but your single vote decides who will be governing our our

country. Do vote, but just be aware about certain things that happened in past few years.

PS: Once again, they are just my plain feeling. If you feel what I feel, I would urge you to forward this to your friends.

21 June, 2008

Gandhi Vs Dhoni

Mahatma Gandhi is one of those most respect persons in my life. No doubt that he was one person who united the entire Indian mass to stand against British through a non-violence protest. He preached non-violence and practiced it too to an extent that even if the enemy hits, he never retaliated. Isse uske svabhaav main parivartan aata tha aur vo apni galti ko samajh kar khud hi sudhaar leta tha (With this it brought a change in his nature and he himself rectified his mistakes). Quite true and that's what we all witnessed in Gandhigiri too. But where's the catch?

Let me compare Mr. Gandhi to our Indian Cricket team. If anybody who could be compared to our Father of the Nation, it has to be undoubtedly Rahul Dravid. He is a personified form of 'Cricket is a gentleman's game'. He never indulge into sledging with anybody to an extent that he never retaliates even when he is at the receiving end. And so had been the case with other former / current Indian cricketers too viz. Azhar, Kumble, Kapil Dev, Sachin Tendulkar, Sunil Gavaskar etc. And they all had been at the receiving end at one time or the other be it from Mc. Grath, Allan Donald, Akram, Imraan Khan or ICC. The result? We protested silently (Gandhigiri) and then eventually we cried only to learn that it is falling in deaf ears. In the end, justice was not done.

Then came other set of players like MS Dhoni, Yuvraj Singh, Virendra Sehwag, Harbhajan and all who changed the face of the Indian cricket. They, like their senior pros, remained nice and fair on field but gave it back if someone tries to be smart. From there started the dominance of Indian cricket in world and no longer the Indian players were feared of Pakistanis or sledging from Aussies and English fellows. The young team under Dhoni is a fearless bunch who are nice untill you are nice to them.

So the catch is time. Times have changed and so has the definition of Gandhigiri. It no longer has the clause of not hitting back but it still preaches to be nice and fair. But are we learning anything out of it? By looking at the current Indian government by Congress, I don't think so. Probably that's why we are going back to those early 1990's after a great economic boom under BJP / NDA in late 90's and early 00's.

Firstly I don't think I can compare Congress to Gandhigiri except for the fact that they belong to a Gandhi family. Underneath lies huge politics ... be it Sonia Gandhi stepping aside from PM's post, caste based reservation system, their so called aam-aadmi (common man) centric policies which are mainly for vote bank, security issues in the country and finally the much talked about Nuclear Deal.

Before the country went for an election everybody knew Sonia Gandhi is the PM candidate for Congress. They won the election and when the time came to take right and bold steps, she crumbled to the opposition pressure. What she did not realize is that the country would have backed her and that's what probably mattered. Or probably what she did realize is that it's the best way to project Rahul Gandhi. Whatever, that was I guess the first blow the party faced and first signal that this government will not stand for the right. This thought was further strengthened by Arjun Singh's caste based reservation system. 50% reservation in all sectors for 64% of population and leaving nothing for 36% General category. I wonder who is in minority here. World's most qualified Prime Minister, a PhD., once again did not stand for what is right. Instead what followed was beating of college students who were putting forward a peaceful protest (Gandhigiri?).

I don't think I even need to talk about our security issues in the country (Congress' Peace call sounds more like Please) which are at all time low and economic problems with inflation level at 11%. I guess we are heading backwards. And the mightiest of all our PM's favorite on N Deal. Once again to save the government he did not do what is supposed to be right. After all doing the right thing for the country is not everything about the government. Which is quite different from their predecessors NDA. Agreed, they were corrupt and they had their own political issues, but I don't India ever shined this before. After economy opened in 1991, the first time India tasted the fruit was during NDA regime. First time India realized its potential was through Pokharan, once again during NDA regime. Indian economy boomed like anything under them and world started recognizing our country's dominance in various fields. Even our neighbors, who often made the best out of the loopholes in our border, stood and watched as they get defeated again and again be it with infiltration or Kargil war.

Well, the choice is in our hands once again. In cricket we have made the choice, Rahul Dravid has made way to Dhoni and we won the World Cup, beaten Aussies right at their backyard. But what about our Government? Time has come to implement the new definition of Gandhigiri. Are we ready? Well, time will come but when, it depends on Left.

23 March, 2008

My Appointment With God...!

"India main saala koi time ki value nahi karta" (Indians do not value time). Well somebody was right when he got drunk and said this. How often have you heard - "Bas do minute main pahuch raha hu" (Just reaching in two minutes) and not even a trace of that person is seen for the next forty minutes. If you are an Indian I am sure you come across this many times. Westerners, especially Americans, are quite punctual and rightly they are pretty proud about it. Here is one of those instances which I have came accross:

Few months back I was hit by one of those stress related diseases - Migraine. Seriously, it wasn't a great feeling. I think it was inevitable with office work touching new highs, confusions with career options, demands of my second profession and last but not the least, my personal life ready to give me a blow. Anyways, so I decided to take an "appointment" with one of those most heard about doctors in our area. Unfortunately, he was so damn busy that despite of calling him at 7 in the morning I got it only for 2 in the afternoon. I had no option but to take an off from my office so that I make it on time. And as usual I reached there 15 minutes before. The scene wasn't quite pleasing. There were around fifty patients already waiting in a queue. But I was smiling because I was smart to take a prior "appointment". So I decided to stand away from the queue.
When my watch was about to show that 60degree angle, I started walking inside to the person sitting at the reception. People started staring at me as if I am one of those dadas who is showing his dadagiri. Foolish people did not realize that I have a prior "appointment". But only to realize that I made a fool out of myself when the reception guy asked me to stand at the end of the queue. Huh???? What the hell? I argued what's the point in taking an "appointment" 7 hours in advance if I have to stand in a queue? I was quite pissed off but may be because of my so called logical talk (or argument) that guy allowed me to visit the doc half n hour after my "appointment".

Now after hearing this you got to agree with me that hum saala Indians time ki value nahi karta (we Indians do not value time). My point was strengthened .... till I happen to hit a new incident in my life:

I got this unique opportunity to visit US of A and I am supposed to clear this visa thing before my tickets are booked...OK! So I applied and like most Americans do, they gave me an appointment at 11.15AM. Now that's cool ... I had heard that these interviews do not last for more than 15 minutes which would mean I can join office afterwards. Incredible! Now because punctual Americans are very punctual, I reached half n hour prior to my scheduled time. And guess what, my interview was over in 90seconds and I was free!!! Isn't that amazing? Yes it is....
But hang on ... I don't think I told you what happened before those 90seconds. Ahum ahum ...An hour's queue outside the embassy, 20 minutes waiting for fingerprints and just 3 hours waiting for the final one. And I was through for those 90seconds after my four n a half hour waiting for my scheduled appointment at 11.15AM which I finally got at 4.30PM... Amazing! In fact I told the person next to me that I never waited this long in my life for anything, not even to pay the electricity bill at that single counter of DESU in those 1990s. What the f***!!!

And then I had to change my view. Not that Indians are better off but I think there is a waiting at every point. Be it for promotion in your office or for that perfect partner in your life or for that leaking for which you stand behind men for urinals in washroom. Yaha tho saala marne ke liye bhi queue main khada hona padta hai (people have to stand in a queue even to die). I guess my time has come for that. My appointment with God has been fixed .... just that I am standing in a queue right now.